How to Put Two YouTube Videos Side-by-Side HTML

  • 16 October 2024
  • 10 mins read

Want to display two YouTube videos side-by-side for a comparison or presentation? This guide will show you how to accomplish this using HTML. All you have to do is follow the below-mentioned processes to construct visually appealing layouts that successfully emphasize the contrasts or similarities between two videos.

2 Ways to Put Two YouTube Videos Side by Side HTML

Method 1: How to Play Two YouTube Videos in HTML on a Desktop

  1. First of all, go to and sign in to your account if needed.
  2. After that click on the search box at the top of the YouTube screen, type the name of the video you want to play, and click on the Search icon in the search bar.
  1. Now find the video from the search list and click on it.
  1. After that click on the Share button underneath the video.
  1. Now click on the Embed option on the popup window on the screen.
  1. Then click on the Copy option on the bottom right corner of the embed screen which is showing next to the video.
  1. After that open another tab on your desktop and type HTML Compiler in the search box and hit the enter key.
  1. Now you can see many options. Click on the link you find the best one for you.
  1. After that, once the link is opened, paste the embed link on the left-hand side of the screen you copied from YouTube.
  1. Now go back to and click on the search box at the top of the YouTube screen, type the name of the video you want to play, and click on the Search icon in the search bar.
  1. Now find the video from the search list and click on it.
  1. After that click on the Share button underneath the video.
  1. Now click on the Embed option on the popup window on the screen.
  1. Then click on the Copy option on the bottom right corner of the embed screen which is showing next to the video.
  1. Now go back to the HTML compiler tab where you pasted the other link before, paste the other link on the left-hand side of the screen, and click on the Run option on the top right side of the screen.
  1.  Now move your cursor to the middle line of the page and move it to the left side.
  1. Once you close the left side completely, you will see both the videos side by side and can play both at the same time.

Method 2: How to Play Two YouTube Videos in CSS on a Desktop

  1. First of all, go to and sign in to your account if needed.
  2. After that click on the search box at the top of the YouTube screen, type the name of the video you want to play, and click on the Search icon in the search bar.
  1. Now find the video from the search list and click on it.
  1. After that click on the Share button underneath the video.
  1. Now click on the Embed option on the popup window on the screen.
  1. Then click on the Copy option on the bottom right corner of the embed screen which is showing next to the video.
  1. After that open another tab on your desktop and type Css Compiler in the search box and hit the enter key.
  1. Now you can see many options. Click on the link to find the best one for you.
  1. Once the link is opened, scroll down a little and click on the Try it Yourself option.
  1. Now paste the embed link on the left-hand side of the screen you copied from YouTube.
  1. After that go back to and click on the search box at the top of the YouTube screen, type the name of the video you want to play, and click on the Search icon in the search bar.
  1. Now find the video from the search list and click on it.
  1. After that click on the Share button underneath the video.
  1. Now click on the Embed option on the popup window on the screen.
  1. Then click on the Copy option on the bottom right corner of the embed screen which is showing next to the video.
  1. Now go back to the CSS compiler tab where you pasted the other link before, paste the other link on the left-hand side of the screen, and click on the Run option on the top left side of the screen.
  1. After that click on the Orientation option on the toolbar and change the orientation of the videos from side to side.
  1. Now adjust the screen by closing the upper screen and scrolling down to see the videos properly. Now you can watch both videos side to side at the same time.

More to explore in YouTube guides:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How can I place two HTML parts side by side?


    You use the float property on each div to arrange them side by side. Float-child element to the left. Because they are both floating to the left, they will appear side by side if there is adequate room for both. They fit because we have two of them.

  • How can I play two videos side by side on my computer?


    Even if your profile is locked, people can still send you friend requests. However, they will only see a limited version of your profile until you accept their request.

  • How can I place a YouTube video in HTML?


    To get the embed link for the YouTube video, take these simple steps: -Open the video on YouTube and select the share option. -Open the Embed code. -Copy the source link. When you copy the embed URL, you can paste it into your HTML document as the src of your element. Define the width and height of your video.

  • How do I enable YouTube MultiView?


    Begin watching any stream of your choice.
    While the material is playing, press down on your remote.
    Locate the multiview button in the bottom left of the screen.
    Select it to reveal a menu with available multiview choices (located to the right of the stream).

In Conclusion

Finally, this guide has shown you how to arrange two YouTube videos side by side using HTML. Remember that you may use an HTML compiler or a CSS compiler to create this visual arrangement, which is ideal for comparisons or presentations.