Secure by default
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Your privacy rights are important to us

PurePrivacy is built on protecting your information and making sure your rights to privacy are not violated anywhere on the internet. When you use our services and entrust us with your data, we are committed to protecting it. Before we get into a detailed breakdown of the measures we take to ensure that PurePrivacy is secure for you to use, here are few important points to note:

  • PurePrivacy does not sell or track your data.
  • PurePrivacy’s business model is based on its subscription service not selling user data to third party companies.
  • PurePrivacy is associated with a long-standing cybersecurity company whose data security has received industry certifications.
  • PurePrivacy encrypts all data by default.

How we secure your privacy

01 – History of trust with PureVPN

Our sister company PureVPN has been around for 15 years and has established itself as a pioneer in the cybersecurity industry. Over 3 million users trust PureVPN with their data, and being an extension of the VPN company, we not only know how to protect your data and keep it secure, but also understand the value of users entrusting us with their data.

  • Check out PureVPN’s security features here
  • Explore PureVPN Trust Center here
  • Read PureVPN’s privacy policy here

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02 – Your data belongs to you

PurePrivacy does not own your data or have any claims over it. PurePrivacy also does not sell your personal information to outside parties for personalized ads. Additionally, we make sure no one on the internet, including social media and third parties, can use your personal information without your consent. To sustain our business and continue providing you our services, we rely on user subscriptions instead of ads.

When you sign up with PurePrivacy, we only ask for:

  • Email address
  • Password*

*Passwords are generated by users. PurePrivacy does not know what they are or have access to them.

For app and service improvements we collect the following information:

  • Software analytics and statistics
  • Data from emails, live chats, and feedback forms

None of the data listed above can be used to identify or track users.

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03 – Enterprise-grade security measures

PurePrivacy has a number of measures in place to ensure that we provide the best security for our users’ data. These include:

  • No-logs policy: PureVPN is the first and only VPN service with an always-on audit commitment
    with KPMG. Similar to PureVPN, we have a strict no logs policy in place.
  • Data encryption: To keep all your data secure, PurePrivacy encrypts data at rest and in transit
    with our servers. This is done in order to protect your data, in case of a breach. No one can
    access your data when it is encrypted.
  • No Data Collection: Free apps are known for selling user data to advertisers and online bidders in exchange for money. But, we don’t ever share your information with anyone.

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