Public Data USA Opt Out: Personal Information Removal Guide 2024

  • By Muhid Suleman

    Muhid Suleman

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    Muhid Suleman, An expert writer from Pureprivacy's content team, Dedicate to make data privacy simple and accessible for you. Muhid, Our Content Wizard, weaves tales about online privacy using simple and user friendly procedures. He firmly believes that online privacy is your right and a big deal in the digital jungle.

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  • 9 September 2024
  • 9 mins read

People-search platforms have a few benefits, but with 2,000 data compromises and millions of affected individuals, it is crucial to stay protected from platforms like PublicDataUSA.

Opting out is the only way to protect your data from scammers, identity thieves, and data breaches. In this PublicDataUSA opt-out guide, you will learn how to remove your data from this platform manually or using PurePrivacy.

Key Takeaways

  • PublicDataUSA collects and consolidates public information from many sources into complete profiles.
  • They obtain information from government records, directories, open books, and other databases.
  • PublicDataUSA is used for legitimate purposes, but people can also use it for fraudulent activities.
  • You could manually opt out from PublicDataUSA via their website or PurePrivacy.
  • In under a minute, PurePrivacy will ask for the deletion of your data from PublicDataUSA and more than two dozen other data brokers.

What Is PublicDataUSA, and What Does It Do?

Among other leading people search sites in the USA is the prominent PublicDataUSA. They describe themselves as a group that would enable anyone to collect data in the public sector freely.

They consent to their mission and give out enormous amounts of personal information at zero cost, such as relatives, addresses, phone numbers, business registrations, and more. gives access to various data available at users’ convenience,  yet it may be a critical issue regarding the confidentiality of such shared data.

How Your Data Ends Up in Their Hands?

Public records are the primary sources of data for PublicDataUSA. They look into government reports, social media platforms, and public records to find and accumulate data.

PublicDataUSA also adopts cookies and web trackers to collect people’s personal data. Visiting their website or using the platform to search for people’s records automatically gives them access to your data.

Your data can also find its way to their database through other data brokers. One thing data brokers are very good at is accumulating people’s data, and they will stop at nothing until they are satisfied.

How PeopleDataUSA Uses Your Personal Information?

PublicDataUSA is a data broker site that provides users with multiple records of documents as well as information that they can check by logging in at only one place.

This data broker site can be used for several operations, including investigations, collection contacts, and confirmation of names.

Likewise, the data that they gather may also be used for less savory purposes such as identity theft or invasion of privacy.

Why Opting Out of PublicDataUSA Is Advantageous?

Data brokers have an interest in your personal information. They need it for marketing, financial, and other purposes, making it a bit challenging for you to avoid them completely.

The good news is that this could all go away. If you choose the opt-out route, you will protect your personal information and bypass many cyber-related issues like scams and identity theft.

Your data will no longer be available for scammers and identity thieves to use when you opt out of this platform.

How to Remove Your Personal Information from PublicDataUSA

There are ways you can choose to opt out if you are worried that your data may be available on PublicDataUSA. These are the two opt-outs for Public Data USA:

Method 1: The Basic Opt-Out Procedure (Manual)

Step 1: Visit PublicDataUSA’s website

Step 2: Search for your profile

  • The next step is to search for your profile on the homepage.
  • Enter your first name, last name, and location, and click the search icon.

Step 3: Locate your profile

  • Find your profile from the search results and click on it to access the detailed information.

Step 4: Copy your URL

  • Copy the URL of your data on the next page.

Step 5: Go to the PublicDataUSA opt-out page

Step 6: Fill out the opt-out details

  • Next, enter your full name, paste the URL you copied in the previous step, and enter your email address.
  • Complete the CAPTCHA for verification and click the “Continue” button to submit the request for the removal.

There you go!

That is the manual procedure for requesting PublicDataUSA removal of your data from their database. It takes about 5 minutes to complete the opt-out process, but it will take a few days for them to remove your data completely from their platform.

Don’t want to go through this long process?

Here’s a better alternative!

Stop Data Brokers from Collecting and Selling Your Private Data

We stop those who track you. Did you know? Data brokers follow & store your every move. Use PurePrivacy to stop them & remove personal information from 200+ data brokers in just $5.83/month. Send Automated Opt-Out Requests and monitor their status within your smartphone or PC!

One app for total privacy. Plus, you can completely block unknown trackers and enhance online privacy of major social media accounts with no manual legwork.

First mobile app to monitor your opt out process within your smartphone with an Extra 42% Off & 31-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

Get Pureprivacy Now Read more about Pureprivacy data removal service

Manual Opt-Out Vs. PurePrivacy

  • You must be involved in the process
  • You have no control over when your data will be removed
  • You need to submit more details to opt out
  • Technical knowledge and experience are required
  • The opt-out process can be detailed and time-consuming
  • Works automatically to remove your data and secure your privacy
  • Will automatically remove your data from all data brokers
  • Only your consent is needed. Your input is not required
  • You don’t have to be tech-savvy to use it
  • Opts you out with just a few clicks and in less than a minute

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What kind of information does PublicDataUSA collect?


    You will find an array of personal information, such as addresses, full names, licenses, phone numbers, and email addresses, on this platform.

  • Plus

    PublicDataUSA is permitted by law to collect and use people’s data. The means through which they collect people’s data are sometimes questionable.

  • Why should I worry about my data at PublicDataUSA?


    Your data is not safe on this platform, as scammers and identity thieves can easily access it and use it for their illicit activities.

  • How long does PublicDataUSA take to remove my information?


    After completing the opt-out process, you must wait a couple of weeks or months for them to remove your data.

  • Will opting out of PublicRecordUSA affect my accessibility to public records?


    No, choosing to opt out does not influence your access to other public records. It simply restricts public exposure of your data on PublicDataUSA.

Take Control of Your Privacy Today

About 6 million scam and identity theft cases were reported to the FTC in 2022. That number is expected to increase in the coming years. Opting out and removing your data from data brokerage platforms is the only way to protect your data.

With PurePrivacy, you can have your data removed from all data brokers, starting with PublicDataUSA, and reclaim your digital privacy.

  • Simplify your online presence today

    With PurePrivacy, make sure all your personal data remains safe without a hassle!
