For over 55 years, Valpak has been a household name, delivering coupons and deals to millions.
However, data broker sites like collect and share vast consumer information with various entities, potentially impacting online privacy.
Concerned about your data?
This guide explains removing your information from with a complete opt-out process.
Valpak is the leader in American household data, direct marketing, and multichannel media solutions for local and national businesses and brands.
Valpak provides print, mobile, and online advertising, customer data, and coupons. Valpak mails coupons to 41 million demographically targeted households each month and millions more consumers through its advertising postcards and website every year. collects your data through various methods.
Opting out matters because it lets you:
Control Your Data: You choose who can access your information and limit its collection and use.
Reduce Targeted Ads: Opting out helps prevent companies from building detailed profiles and bombarding you with unwanted ads.
Enhance Privacy: By opting out, you minimize your online data footprint, increasing your overall privacy.
Protect Yourself: Opting out can help shield you from potential identity theft and misuse of your personal information.
Step 1: First, visit the website
Step 2: Click "Do not sell my data" after scrolling down.
Step 3: You will be sent to the opt-out page after clicking “Do not sell my data.”
Step 4: Fill out the form and click “send.”
Congrats! Your request has been submitted. Your information will be removed from the data asset.
There is another way you can remove your listing by removing your address.
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Click the “Address Removal” link at the bottom of the page.
Step 3: Enter your information, and clear the captcha. Click the Remove Address button.
Success! You have submitted your removal request successfully.
PurePrivacy is a trustworthy and failsafe application designed to safeguard your privacy, offering efficient control over shared information. It ensures the management of your data, guaranteeing that your information remains undisclosed unless you authorize it.
PurePrivacy eliminates your search history for anonymous browsing and manages your social media account with a click.
PurePrivacy acts as a shield against intrusive data collection. It prevents trackers from gathering your information and ensures it remains confidential, away from the hands of data collectors.
Attain complete control over your data, making a secure and regulated online presence. PurePrivacy has 90+ brokers on its list to ensure all of your data is removed immediately. Plus, it works under the reliability of PureSquare for complete data privacy.
Valpak helps businesses understand their impact on the environment and achieve sustainability goals. Its services include Carbon Management and Energy Management.
Valpak is known for its Blue Envelope, which reaches millions of households across the United States and Canada. The company was founded in 1968 by Terry Loebel, who started by mailing coupons from his home in Clearwater, Florida. Today, Valpak sends over 20 billion coupons to more than 40 million households annually.
After you’ve requested Valpak mailing list removal, it may take up to 6 weeks for Valpak to stop sending you mail. This is because they may have already printed and prepared mailings in advance.
Understanding the fundamentals of safe internet use and applying optimal privacy practices to everything you do online is essential.
Apps like PurePrivacy empower you to proactively shield against cyber threats, guaranteeing a secure online presence.