Do You Want to Know How Many Times You Watch an Instagram Story?

  • By Muhid Suleman

    Muhid Suleman

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    Muhid Suleman, An expert writer from Pureprivacy's content team, Dedicate to make data privacy simple and accessible for you. Muhid, Our Content Wizard, weaves tales about online privacy using simple and user friendly procedures. He firmly believes that online privacy is your right and a big deal in the digital jungle.

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  • 25 April 2024
  • 7 mins read

Instagram stories allow you to post little moments from your day that vanish instantly. However, have you ever wondered if Instagram monitors the number of times you watch a specific story? 

Knowing Instagram's story view count is crucial whether you are checking up on a friend's travel memories or revisiting a humorous post. We'll explore Instagram story privacy in this blog article and provide a solution to keep track of how many times you view a story.

Does Instagram Show How Many Times You Watch a Story?

There’s no tool on Instagram that allows you to see the number of times someone has seen your story. You can only view the usernames and the total count of views on your story. 

For that reason, Instagram would only count the number of times you viewed their story as one single view. You can be sure that Instagram will show your name to other viewers when you watch someone's story, but it won't tell you how many views their story has received in total.

How to Check Instagram Story's Viewer List

We will help you with checking the account profiles of those who have viewed your story on Instagram, even if there is no way to find out how many times someone has viewed it.

To check the viewer list on your Android or iOS devices, follow these steps:

Step 1: Turn on your phone and open the Instagram app.

Step 2: Next, press the icon in the upper left corner that displays your profile photo.

Screenshot of Instagram's navigation menu

Step 3: In the lower-left corner, select the 'Seen By' option.

Step 4: A pop-up window displays the number and profile of viewers for your story.

Screenshot of Instagram's insights

How to View Story Viewers After the Story Expires

You can always come back to your Instagram story later if you didn't notice how many people were viewing it in the first 24 hours after you posted it.

Unfortunately, you cannot use the previously suggested way to check views after the 24 hours that stories are available. As an alternative, you can view your story views for up to 48 hours after publishing it by opening your Archive folder.

To find out, take the following actions:

Step 1:  On your phone, launch the Instagram app.

Step 2: At the lower right corner of the screen, click your profile image.

Step 3: Choose the three-line menu symbol located in the upper right corner.

Screenshot of Instagram's profile

Step 4: Hit the "Archive" option on the menu.

Screenshot of Instagram's menu

Step 5: Look through your collection of stories and pick the one whose points of view you want to verify.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Does Instagram display the number of story views?


    Swipe up on the screen after opening your tale to see who has viewed it. For every picture or video in your story, you'll see how many people have viewed it as well as their Instagram usernames.

  • Is it possible for me to see how many times I watched someone's Instagram highlights?


    No, you do not receive notifications or insights from Instagram when someone watches their highlights. Highlights are essentially aggregates of previously published stories kept on record for every user.

  • Can I detect whether someone views my story more than once?


    Whether it's your first or hundredth time seeing an Instagram post or story, nothing seems to click within Instagram's algorithms. Once more, all they will see is that you swiped to or clicked on the story from your top reel—even if it is an Instagram business account.

  • Why does my Instagram story consistently have the same profile view at the top?


    There's a very high likelihood that your Instagram Story will show up at the top of someone's feed if that person or group of people engages with your posts frequently. Furthermore, given that the most watched Stories are typically those at the top, this may help to explain why some names consistently show up at the top of your seen list.

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Maintaining Social Privacy is Crucial!

Instagram gives you information on the performance of your stories, but it values user privacy more than the number of views each individual receives. 

You can see who has viewed your story and how popular it is overall by looking at the total views, but you won't be able to determine how many times each person has watched it.
