How to Format a Google Doc Like a Book in 9 Simple Steps

  • 3 February 2025
  • 9 mins read

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If you dream of publishing a book or creating a professional document, Google Docs is an effective tool. Its user-friendly interface and easy formatting options allow you to format your content in a book without additional tools or software. This guide will help you with the essential steps to turn Google Docs into a book.

How to Format a Google Doc Like a Book

Explore the steps to format your Google Doc in a book:

  1. Page Layout

The first significant step is to set up the page layout by adjusting the page settings to reflect the dimensions of a book. 

  • Go to “File,” tap on “Page Setup,” and adjust the margins. For a standard book format, set “Top” to 1 inch, “Bottom” to 1 inch, “Left” to 0.75, and “Right” to 0.75. 
  • You can choose a custom size if you’re formatting a non-standard book.
  • Orientation should be set to “Portrait”.
  1. Font Style and Size

Choose a font style and size that is easy to read.

  • Shared fonts used in books are “Times New Roman, Garamond, or Georgia.” 
  • Font size should be “11 or 12” points for body text.
  • Your headings, “16 or 18” points, significant and bolded fonts.
  1. Paragraphs Formatting

Books have specific paragraph styles.

  • Line spacing should be set at “1.15 or 1.5” for readability.
  • Indent the first line of each paragraph by “0.5” inches.
  • Highlight the text, then right-click and choose “Paragraph Options”. 
  • Adjust the “First Line Indent”.  
  1. Add Page Numbers

Books usually have page numbers on every page except the title page. 

  • Navigate to “Insert,” choose “Page Number,” and choose the placement (top or bottom).
  • Use “Header and Footer” options; for alternating page numbers, leave them on even pages and right on odd.
  1. Section Breaks

You need section breaks to start chapters on new pages or have different headers/footers.

  • Place the cursor where you want the break.
  • Go to “Insert,” select “Break, and choose “Section Break (Next Page).”
  • This feature allows easy formatting, like unique headers for each chapter. 
  1. Table of Contents

Books include a Table of Contents (TOC) at the beginning.

  • Use “Headings”, Heading 1 for titles, and Heading 2 for subtitles throughout your book.
  • Click “Insert,” go to “Table of Contents,” and choose your style.
  1. Headers and Footers

Headers display book titles or chapter names.

  • Navigate to “Insert,” select “Headers and Footers,” and customize your text.
  • Use the “Options” menu to adjust your style.
  1. Title and Copyright Pages

Start your document with a title and copyright page:

  • The title page includes the title of the book, author name, subtitle, and publishing name (centered).
  • The copyright page includes copyright information, edition details, and ISBN (if applicable).
  1. Finalize Your Document

Before exporting your document, review thoroughly. Check:

  • Proper alignment
  • Consistent font styles
  • Correct margins and spacing
  • When you’re done reviewing, export the document as a PDF. Go to File > Download > PDF Document. The layout will be intact with this Format. 

How to Format a Google Doc Like a Novel

Follow these steps to format your Google Doc like a novel:

Page Setup

Go to File > Page Setup, and set the page size to 6x9 (or your preferred size) and 1-inch margins.

Font and Size

Fonts like Times New Roman or Garamond and a 12-point size for body text are recommended.

Line Spacing

Adjust line spacing to 1.1.5 or 1.5.

Paragraph Indentation

Indent the first line of each paragraph by 0.5 inches. Navigate to Format> Align & Indent > Indentation Options and adjust the indent of your first line. 

Page Numbers

Go to Insert > Page Numbers, and insert page numbers (at the bottom of each page).

Section Breaks

Use Insert > Break > Section Break (Next page), to start chapters on new pages.

How to Format a Google Doc Like a Poetry Book

To format a Google Doc like a poetry book, follow these steps:

Page Setup

Set margins to 1 inch under Page Setup, or adjust for more white space.

Font and Size

Use elegant font styles like Times New Roman or Garamond, with 12-14-point size.

Line Spacing

Set line spacing to one or 1.15 for compact poetry.

Center Alignment

Titles should be center-aligned, and stanzas should be left-aligned with appropriate spacing.

Page Breaks

Go to Insert > Break > Page Break to start new poems on separate while following Google's guidelines.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What Format does Google Doc use?


    Google Docs uses .gdoc format and export files to formats like PDF, Word (.docx), and .txt.

  • How do I make Google Docs print like a book?


    Customize settings like page size, margins, and orientation in File > Page Setup, or arrange your content in two columns if required.

  • Does Google Doc have a reading feature?


    Yes, Google Docs has a text-to-speech feature enabled through Screen Reader under Accessibility Settings.

  • How do you make aesthetic notes on Google Doc?


    You can use custom fonts, colored texts, tables, bullet points, emojis, and headers for an eye-catching layout.

Final Thoughts

Formatting a Google Doc-like book requires attention to the proper setup to achieve a professional result. If you’re self-publishing or creating a project, follow the steps above to ensure the document is visually appealing. Using Google Docs to format your next book, bring your story to life.