CallerCenter Opt Out: Personal Information Removal Guide 2024 

  • By Muhid Suleman

    Muhid Suleman

    Author Image

    Muhid Suleman, An expert writer from Pureprivacy's content team, Dedicate to make data privacy simple and accessible for you. Muhid, Our Content Wizard, weaves tales about online privacy using simple and user friendly procedures. He firmly believes that online privacy is your right and a big deal in the digital jungle.

    See author profile
  • 11 March 2024
  • 7 mins read

In 2023, the average cost to recover from a ransomware attack was $5.13 million. This is a 13% increase over the previous year's cost, and it shows that cybercrime attacks have been increasing over time.

And, data brokers like CallerCenter play an important role in publicizing your data. You have to opt out of these kinds of data brokers to eliminate this safety concern.

We are getting you through the manual opt-out methods for CallerCenter and how you can remove your data from other data brokers using PurePrivacy.

Key Takeaways

  • CallerCenter posts phone number information online. 
  • Removing yourself from CallerCenter requires you to fill out an opt-out request. 
  • After that, your phone number will be removed within one week.
  • You can opt out automatically opt-out with the help of PurePrivacy.
  • PurePrivacy ensures optimal security and removal of information with your consent.

What is CallerCenter? is a crowd-sourced method for reducing phone and telemarketing spam. To find the company or location making the contact, consumers can report unsolicited calls they receive and investigate calls from unknown numbers.

They have collected over 900,000 consumer complaints regarding unsolicited phone calls as well as over 16 million Do Not Call list violations to create an extensive database of unwanted phone call complaints and violators.

What Kind of Information Does CallerCenter Collect?

The information that CallerCenter gathers is as follows:

Information Collection

  • Callercenter collects information from users when they register on their website, subscribe to newsletters, complete surveys, or fill out forms.
  • Personally identifiable information such as name and email address are among those collected.

Unknown Visits

  • Users can access the website anonymously.
  • Interactive Website Sections
  • Users allow Callercenter permission to reuse comments, images, or videos under the Terms and Conditions of Use if they decide to share them in interactive site sections.

Why Is It Important To Opt Out Of CallerCenter?

Individuals may opt out of services for various reasons, including privacy concerns, unwanted interaction, data control, security considerations, legal compliance, spam avoidance, or personal preference. 

Users can restrict data gathering and maintain control over their data by choosing to opt-out. To find out more about the reasons behind CallerCenter opting out, view their official documentation or contact support.

How to Opt-Out of CallerCenter

  1. Visit the
visit caler center for opt out
  1. Go to the footer of the page, find “Remove My Number” and select it.
navigate to caller center donot share my information page
  1. Select "Remove my phone number from the list."
start removing information from caller center
  1. Complete the required form. Click "Send" after entering your name, email address, and the reason for removal.
caller center opt out form

In a few working days, will send you an email.

caller center opt out confirmation email

Opt-Out of Data Brokers with PurePrivacy

Screenshot of PurePrivacy's homepage

PurePrivacy is a reliable and safe program created to protect your privacy and provide you with efficient control over the information that is shared. It guarantees that your data will be handled carefully and remain confidential unless you approve otherwise.

How Does PurePrivacy Work?

Anonymous Browsing & Social Media Management

Maintain control over your social media presence and achieve complete anonymity by clearing off your search history.

Best Privacy Protection 

PurePrivacy protects your information from trackers, maintaining privacy and avoiding unapproved distribution.

Complete Data Control 

PurePrivacy quickly erases your data and provides unmatched control over privacy. 

Advanced Security Measures 

PurePrivacy uses state-of-the-art security and digital protection, going beyond basic features. Use PurePrivacy to easily secure your online presence.

Steps to Opt-Out Using PurePrivacy

  • From web app:

    ● Visit the PurePrivacy website.

    ● Sign up to PurePrivacy.

    ● Create your profile.

    ● Provide us your consent.

    ● Once you allow authorization the opt out process will begin. Pure Privacy automatically starts the monitoring & opt out process for your information. First ask them if they have your data or not. If they have simply opted out of data on behalf of you. This all process was done within a short period of time. Also Send a weekly email summary that combines and summarizes the activity related to removing data.

    From Mobile App (Android & IOS):

    ● Launch PurePrivacy mobile app.

    ● Signup or Login to your account.

    ● Enter Details to create your profile.

    ● Allow us your express authorization to start the opt out process.

    ● Once you allow authorization the opt out process will begin. Pure Privacy automatically starts the monitoring & opt out process for your information. First ask them if they have your data or not. If they have simply opted out of data on behalf of you. This all process was done within a short period of time. Also Send a weekly email summary that combines and summarizes the activity related to removing data.

Manual Opt-Out Vs. PurePrivacy

  • It requires certain conditions before you may opt out. If you fail to submit documentation of being a victim, you won't be able to do so.
  • The process of removing your data is time-consuming and subject to regular modifications.
  • It requires filling out a form and then some time to wait.
  • The policies of the platform determine how successful opt-out is.
  • Opting out is simple with PurePrivacy. It functions automatically and doesn't suggest any conditions for opting out.
  • The procedure is fast and runs in the background automatically. effectively controls privacy across a variety of devices.
  • Conveniently automates the entire opt-out process.
  • Ensures total data eradication at no cost for improved privacy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How does CallerCenter get my information?


    CallerCenter gathers user data for email marketing, customer support, website improvement, transaction processing, contest administration, and personalization. The website uses cookies to monitor usage and enhance user experiences, and information may be shared with third parties.

  • How long does it take to opt-out from CallerCenter?


    CallerCenter exposes phone numbers on the internet, and to remove your information, you must submit an opt-out request. Your phone number will be deleted within a week of the request for opting out being made.

  • Can my data still be visible on CallerCenter opt-out after successful data opt-out?


    Your access to the website terminates or is suspended, and your account and related data may be deleted or deactivated by the website. They are not responsible for any claims or losses brought about by these activities.

  • Does CallerCenter sell my data?


    CallerCenter claims that it never transfers or sells personally identifiable information without authorization. Under confidentiality agreements, trusted third parties may access this data for site management and services. Information about visitors that is not personally identifiable may be shared for marketing reasons.

  • Simplify your online presence today

    With PurePrivacy, make sure all your personal data remains safe without a hassle!

Protect Your Privacy & Live Carefree With PurePrivacy!

Therefore, to cancel your subscription to CallerCenter, you must consciously opt out by submitting an opt-out request, which grants you limited control over some services.

But here's the deal: PurePrivacy is your virtual super-savior along with some fantastic features like the Tracker Blocker and Social Privacy Manager.

It's like selecting the whole range of internet security. PurePrivacy is a fantastic option for anyone looking for a comprehensive, automated, and user-friendly solution for their digital security. It will help you remove information from CallerCenter which is the only way to increase your online privacy.